Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Wrong Is It To Apply For Internships While You Are At An Internship?

Now, you may have been following me for a while as I search for a job that will make me proud to attend Career Day at the local middle school, or you may have just joined me. But one thing you should realize as you follow my futile attempts at getting a job in this economy, is that I have not been spending my days bemoaning my failure at life. Instead, I want you all to know, that in this interim time between college and first job, I am keeping myself extraordinarily busy. In addition to my three babysitting jobs, and my 3 hours a week freelancing at CBS Sports (that I hopefully start next week) I have four different internships that I am devoting 40 unpaid hours a week towards.
One of these internships is at a production company in midtown Manhattan, in a building that makes me feel important when I walk in 4 days a week. I don’t want to lie- there is something exciting about taking an elevator up to the 20th floor surrounded by important people in suits even when I can wear nice jeans and a sweater to work. At this internship, I am in charge of online promoting for an independent film. I work closely with the Writer/Director/Producer and Associate Producer to make sure we get the word out about the film in order to (as they say) ‘put asses in seats’.
And since I have been posting and blogging and tweeting for their company, the website hits for their film have gone waaaayyyyy up. So yay! I’m doing something well!
But I have realized at this point that in less than a month when the film opens, I will have no more reason to stay at this internship, although I am sure they would be happy to have the free help stay on. So even though I am busy as a bee for the next few weeks, I am already lining things up and applying for my next set of internships. Still assuming, at this point, that a job doesn’t magically work out instead.


  1. I'm so over (unpaid) media internships. Sometimes, I feel like I'm being treated like a child...doing tasks that are ridiculously a watse of my time. Yet at the same time, when I think of it, the 'excutive assistant'/office manager would be the one doing it if I were not there to be the errand runner/researcher.

  2. How hard is it to keep up the thankful attitude when you are waiting in line at the post office to drop off someone else's mail while you have a birthday package for a friend that you haven't had time to send sitting on your dresser at home.
    Still, we are lucky to be making headway into figuring out what we want to do in life and actually taking the chances to get there.
    Baby steps.
    Good luck to you!
