Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thoughts on Child Labor? Keep them to yourself.

Two days ago as I was walking to the building where I babysit (hey, an intern still has make a living), I saw a whole row of giant trucks parked along the street. Before my brain even processed what that meant, my adrenaline started pumping and I started walking faster. An open truck revealed those pieces of lighting equipment that I have come to know so well. Some further investigation netted me the name: Damages. Glenn Close was filming on the block. And by the sheer number of trucks, trailers, and crew members milling about, I knew they weren’t just shooting B-Roll. This was the real thing. I got out 3 copies of my resume…. And well, you have read enough of these stories by now that it’s not even funny or exciting anymore. Woo Hoo, she gave out her resume another 15 times.


This time, resumes in hand, I began walking towards the first important looking person that I saw (not Glenn Close). And then, I froze. My heart just wasn’t in it. What was I going to do? Smile, make some joke, and try to give the guy my resume in the hopes that he will pass it on to someone who might actually follow up with me? That dream is fading. And I have already had this experience more than a few times, so I cant even do it for the good story anymore.
Instead, I had to come up with a new plan.
I continued to the apartment where my little Jack and Jill (names have obviously been changed) were waiting for me to entertain them on such a cold wintry day. And it was there that I hatched my new plan. Something worth re-telling, even if it doesn’t provide me with a check in the empty employed box next to my name.
I took out a handful of resumes from my backpack, and also a stack of Post It’s that I also carry around with me. (I don’t think there is any good reason why I do that.) Together with J & J, we made tons of Post It’s saying things like:
  • Hire my nanny so I can spend more time with my mom.
  • My babysitter would rather work for you for free than get paid another hour to watch me.
  • My babysitter would rather be a PA.
  • I’ll miss my nanny if you take her away, but my loss is your gain.
  • Hire my Babysitter!
  • My nanny will intern for free!
Then we folded up some resumes, put Post It’s on each of them, and ventured outside into the midst of ‘Damages’.
We walked out onto the blocked off street with a purpose. We passed out resumes to various members of the production crew, and then I steered the kids back inside.
Will it work? Probably not.
Did someone get a laugh? I hope so.
Does it make for a unique story? I would venture a yes.


  1. I'm still reading. Keep posting!

  2. Thanks!
    More stories are on their way!
    Good to know readers are waiting!

  3. You don't want to work in production. Especially not as a PA. Trust me. I've been through hell. Email me and I'll tell you about it. sirenscreams at gmail
