Sunday, December 27, 2009

I am Considering Adding the Word ‘Kickass’ into my Cover Letter

You know, just to mix it up a little.
I am often (well, I was once) described as hilarious, charming, and ambitious. I have since included those three words in my cover letter.
Well, not in my regular cover letter.

That’s right folks, when you job search this much- you have way more than just one cover letter. The cover letter that includes that description of me, is the one I would send to places that I hope would appreciate it. The Onion, College Humor, Comedy Central, etc. Just trying to set myself apart from all of the other over-qualified candidates searching in my field.
Because I am unique. I have done things that no one else has done. Ok, not no one else. But it puts me in a smaller minority of people. Have you been skydiving and bunjy jumping in the same day? What about buying a pumpkin for the mere thrill of throwing it off the roof of a very tall building? What about trying out for the Charmin Toilet Paper Ambassador Program this holiday season?

What’s that? Now I have your attention? Really? Sky diving and bunjy jumping weren’t enough? What is the Charmin Toilet Paper Program???

Every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they open up Charmin bathrooms in Times Square. They choose 5 lucky people to man these bathrooms by clapping for the frequenters, cheering on the go-ers, and blogging about their experience Enjoying The Go.
So a friend a I lined up for a few hours in the blustering cold, and prepared a 2 minute medley to perform and prove why we would make the perfect ambassadors for Charmin. For 10,000$ - tell me you wouldn't do the same.

You have to go!
He has to go!
She has to go!
We have to gooooooooo
O my tummy is feeling frightful
But Charmin is so delightful
And since we really have to go
Let it flow
Let it flow
Let if floooooooooooooow
O Charmin Charmin Charmin
Your ends they never fray
Your always soft and ready
To wipe my ____ awayyyyyyy
We wish you a Merry Wiping
We wish you a Merry Wiping
We wish you a Merry Wiping
And a Charmin filled year!

And you didn’t even see the dance that went with this. So yea, I’m pretty unique. And I’ll do almost anything (like sing and dance about toilet paper) to get a job.
I think I am going to add Kickass to my cover letter.


  1. I came across your blog on the web and I am in the same boat, new grad who seeks work in media and I totally relate to everything your saying here. People outside the industry don't really understand why I am not employed yet, it couldn't be that hard right? After all I have the proper education and graduated at the top of my class, took all the right internships and have the experience. But yet I'm currently working as a waitress making just enough to cover my cell phone bill. But I don't want to give up on my dream just yet, so I vounteer with a local tv station, who only have two paid employees and the rest vounteers, while I also do the round about of interviews. Somtimes as much as I love being in media I just think why did I go to school to work for free agian? So it's interesting to read about someone else experiencing the same things, it's crazy how identical some my experiences have been to yours, going through the same motions. By the way I'm from Canada, but I guess the situation isn't that different up here.

    - Diana

  2. I too am a recent grad seeking work in the media. It's funny, your blog came up when I was doing everything I can to find possible jobs. Keep writing, it's very entertaining - especially for someone in the same predicament.

  3. As I am sure you both know, any little tap of support always makes you feel good as you are continuously being shot down for the prestige of a position to get coffee for important people (and without getting tips)! Good luck to you both as well! When we are all successful we can join together to write a book, form a company, or collaborate on a project together! Thanks for reading and making my day, and let me know if you ever want to take the networking to the next level!
