Friday, August 28, 2009

CBS Sports: Like a Bite of Dark Chocolate

So I interviewed at CBS Sports. It went well.
I must admit, I am not the biggest sports person. I am originally from St. Louis, so I know more than a thing or two about baseball, and one time I even got to meet Tony La Russa (which was pretty cool). Other than that, I play soccer, basketball, I ran track and cross country, and I even made an attempt at shotput. I was on a swim team for years, and I still love the pool. Oh, and this last semester I took a trampoline class, if that counts for anything.
But still, I did my research, I knew what teams had played that week in various sports, who had won, and what the scores were. I knew which games CBS had covered and which they had not. I knew when each season started, and what CBS's involvement is with each of them.
Besides, the position was for the entry level job as part of the production team. The basic responsibilities were going to be acting as a gopher for the people in charge. Doesn't matter who won the Stanley Cup, I know I can do that, and I know that I can happily do it well.

The interview was going great. It was four executives....and me. There was good conversation, a good repertoire, and lots of information flowing about. I was professional, I was prepared, and I was qualified.
At some point, one of them asked me about my interest in sports. I went with what I know. "I grew up in a baseball house," I said. Which was true. We had an enormous chart outside the front door during the summer of 1998 where we kept count of the race for the Home Run Champion. But still, I must not have been convincing enough because the next question I get is: "What do you think is the best baseball team?"
Not who is your favorite, who do you support, why is that your favorite team, who is at the head of each league right now...... no. Which team is the BEST? But even with that bizarre question, I responded easily. "Well," I said, "I am from St. Louis, and so I'm not really allowed to say anything but the Cardinals."
Still though, they moved on to tennis and basketball, and while my backhand sucks, I can shoot a layup as good as most- but it still wasnt enough to convince them of any die hard sports fanaticism.
So even though the job was for a production position, they wanted someone who was going to be more thrilled about putting Sports on their resume than CBS. At least this time however, we ended on good terms. And by that I mean, they called and told me honestly that they really liked me, I have a great resume and they are certain that I will succeed. However, after a long debate they had to go with someone with greater sports knowledge.
I understood. I thanked him for calling and telling me personally. To which he responded, "I wanted to stay in touch, because after seeing your resume and meeting with you, I am pretty sure I am going to be calling YOU for a favor one day."

A nice bittersweet ending this time.

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