Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Email Screen (NBC Page Program Part II)

Enough with waiting. In real life, I actually waited about 3 months between NBC Page Program and NBC Page Program Part II, but you people in the blog world don’t seem to have time to wait that long.
So instead, watch this.

Now I’ll try to be short, as your attention span is the only thing I’m trying to get right now. My email screen was scheduled, then it had to be rescheduled.

Skip ahead another month. (Warning: This is the same clip you just watched.)

Finally it was set. I was home for winter break. I had my dad at his laptop. Me on one home computer. My mother on the other home computer. My good friend had dropped off HoCho and a muffin. I don’t drink coffee. I was prepared.

The email screen is a list of question sent to you in a document attached to an email, that you have exactly one hour to open, complete, and send back to a specified address.

At exactly 9:30am (the appointed time) I started refreshing my email. Nothing. At 9:35am I started to freak out. I had a sudden idea to check my school email, which I had not used once to communicate with NBC, but was also listed on my resume. Sure enough, the email screen was there. Not only was it there, it was sent at 9am, with the appointed send back by time as 10am. By now it was 9:38. That was only 22 minutes to complete the ‘exam’. After 30 more seconds of freak out, I got to work. My parents researching everything I shouted at them, and me- typing furiously. Similar to the way I am typing now, encouraged by the sheer memory of it.
22 minutes later I sent in my barely half completed email screen. By this point I had already resigned myself to a life of burger flipping. (Not that there is anything wrong with that! :) ) No Brooks Brothers NBC Page jacket for me. I then thought to email the woman who I had been corresponding with at NBC about scheduling my Email Screen. I double checked to make sure it was her mistake first, of course.
I wrote her a very polite but discouraged email, explaining the events of the morning. I then gave myself a break, and went to catch up on that weeks episode of The Office and 30 Rock. As the name Lorne Michaels appeared on the screen, the office theme song ringing loudly from my phone caused me to answer to an HR rep from NBC. She apologized profusely about the mis-communication and asked if I were available to take Email Screen at a later point that day. We then arranged for the screen to happen from 1pm-2pm that afternoon. On a hunch, I asked if the screen would be the same questions as earlier that morning. Her response? “Yes, but don’t worry, well send you a new email.”
Needless to say, I raced back to the computer and worked on those questions for the next three hours, and then throughout the 1 hour of the actual screen time.
So even if my answers weren't the best answers, they were certainly the longest, most researched, best edited, and well written.

What can I say though? The next month I got an email. They didn’t pick me. Not for the next step, not for nothing.
I mean obviously damnit. Or why would I be writing this damn blog?
You shoulda figured that out and not even bothered reading this post.

Too soon to insult my readers?


  1. Hey there, love the blog. I've been reading about the page program and I was wondering if you still have that screener they sent you. I'm curious to know what it's all about / what types of questions they throw at you. If you don't mid shooting me an email, you can hit me at Thanks so much!

  2. I found your blog while researching the Page program too...really interesting blog you have here! I will definitely be reading more. :)

  3. Crap,this sounds so hard, honestly hard,it sounded eaiser lol,after i visted the jay leno show and conan's show last friday i just really think its THE dream job,like you said,but this interview process sounds diffcult.but sounds like an awesome must have job,good luck with it!

  4. as well i would be interested in the type of questions they ask. any pointers i would love to hear from you.

  5. I would love a copy of the e-mail screen if you don't mind shooting it my way. Thanks. Nice blog btw

  6. Hey there! I have the email screen tomorrow, is there anyway you could send me the questions? I'd really appreciate it!Thanks,

  7. I also have the email screen coming up in 2 wks. If you are sending the questions to people, could you send it over to me? If you haven't been sending it out, just emailing me more general ideas of what the questions might be about or just tips, it would be greatly appreciated!


  8. Would it be completely terrible of me to jump on the 'please send me your screen questions!' bandwagon?
    If you're indeed sending them, I would love to be included.

  9. I'd love to see the screen questions also! I'm thinking about applying to the program. Also what is the timeline of the application process?

  10. Hi I have the email process coming up also. Can you email me the screen questions as well? I would greatly appreciate it!

  11. Along with everyone else... I was just wondering what types of questions are asked. I was told to prepare by reading trade magazines but I would love any additional help.


  12. Not to beat a dead horse, but I'd love a look at those questions as well. I'm pretty nervous about the questionnaire.

    Thank you!

  13. Ahh I just applied the other day. Hopefully I hear back from someone. How long did it take for them to contact you after submitting your application online? And to overcrowd the wagon, some tips on what I can do to prepare for that screener (if I'm selected) would be awesome! Thanks!

  14. Thought I would join the bandwagon if you wouldn't mind sending me some tips on the email screen! . Thanks!

  15. I'm not applying, but I'm just super curious about the questions now.....

    Thank you :)

  16. Hi! Yes, I would love to know what was on the screener as well. If there's any way you could send me whatever you've sent everybody else I'd very much appreciate it.

  17. If you have the time, I'd love to hear about your email screen for the NBC page program as well as any other job hunting advice you have for trying to break into the television industry.

  18. Hi! are you still sending out the questions from the email screen for the page program? If so, I'd love to see them as well. Thanks!!

  19. I have my phone interview coming up soon.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for spending the time to write it!
    It would be great if anybody can e-mail me and help me!
    Any tips ? advice?
    If you have the questions for the email screen, it would be wonderful if I can get a copy too.
    Thank you all!

  20. Hey,

    I'd love it if you could send me some tips/old questions from the email screen.

    My email is

    Thanks!! :)

  21. Hi,

    I have recently become interested in the Page program and wanted to thank you for your blog posts about it - they have all been so interesting and informative! If you (or anyone else on here!) has any inside tips/info/advice, I would really appreciate hearing them if you wouldn't mind shooting me an email! Also, if you still have those screening questions, I would love to check them out!

    Emily (
